Sunday, April 01, 2007


Well it has been awhile since I last posted. That's because I've been spending more time outside working. It's not that I've been cooped up inside and couldn't go out but there was not much I was able to do outside in the yard. But things are improving. I've got the yardwork here done and can turn my attention to the beach next. Jan's mom's house closed on Thursday and that's a big issue that's now history. We've been planning a trip to California for June. San Francisco, Monterey, Big Sur etc. It has been 16 years since we were in that neck of the woods last. I read, Wind in the Willows, again and it was as great this time as last. Decided to read some more Shakespeare too. Still plugging away at the pslams in the Bible. Must say that they are not very interesting, maybe they'll improve. Well that's it for now, see ya

Friday, March 23, 2007


Messed up my helicopter yesterday and I now have to start from scratch AGAIN! At the moment I'm ready to drop this hobby and move on. The fine motor skills that it requires are not my best suit. I could spend more money (already have about $1500 into it) and upgrade to frames that are basically indestructible but right now I feel I'm wasting money so I'm putting everything on hold. I find that if I walk away from stuff I can come back later and start afresh. I know that's not some new technique and many people do it but it's a relatively new approach for me. One nice things about guns is that they are big and solid and not easily broken. Might put some copter things on eBay and try to recoup some of my expenses. All the stuff I currently have on eBay (books) is going nowhere and I expect I'll pitch it all by this time next week. Did some work in the yard today, which was nice. The place is looking pretty good for this time of year. Bought some new shoes for running. My old ones were pretty worn and might have been contributing to my current knee woes. Possible trip to the ortho guy looms. My 9mm was in the shop for a week for some adjustments but it's now back. I'll probably bang off a 100, 115 grain, projectiles this afternoon. I'm going to have to look at the Feb-March time period for next year and see what other activities I can do when weather is a factor, Florida?

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


One of the activities I thought I'd do when I retired was to become more active on eBay. I had bought and sold a few things in the past but never really put much time into it. Recently I've bid on a few items and have a few up there for auction. I lost a bid last night in the final 5 seconds! The truth is I don't find that exciting. I was watching the screen that tells how much time is left and if you are the highest bidder. I kept hitting the "refresh" button but a "sniper" beat me to it. I guess there is excitement in this but all I want is to buy something for as cheaply as I can, pay no sales tax, and get out of there. So what I'm really saying is that my eBay plan for retirement will probably not be what I thought it might be. I'm not really into all the picture taking and description writing. I have a small antique ceramic fawn I got from my mom. Looks to be worth $20-$30 but I'll need to take several photos which means setting up a camera on my computer. I guess if I do set things up I'll give it another go. Weather improving so I'll do some things in the yard that can be done standing (ground still wet). Still resting my knee so not running (I do miss it). Happy Spring!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

All reved up!

And no place to go! The Friday/Saturday storm here put a real damper on things. I'm all ready for outside activities and, in fact, had started working in the yard. Not much point to that now. Can't work outside at either place. It's not that I don't have stuff I can be doing, I've plenty but I don't want to do them now. Bit of cabin fever I guess. It does get it me to thinking, again, about the years of retirement and what shape they will take. BTW notice how I began with the word, "And"? Seems it is ok to do that now but not when I was being taught the grammer by the good sisters. Been reading the Bible lately. No great religious awakening, just curiosity. I'm working through the psalms in the Catholic version of the bible. Finished a book that was set in the town where our other house is located. Always interesting to read books that have familiar places in them, makes then sort of come alive. I'd give the actual story a C+. Cancelled my shooting competition for today because I was not able to get the extra magazines I'd have needed. I did not want to pay $80 for them. I don't want to own four magazines. I was expecting to get some from a friend but that didn't happen, at least not yet. Next competitions are outside, maybe I'll sign up for the April one. Got the most recent valuation on our other house. The town does it every two years. House value remained about the same but the value of the land went up $40K! Guess taxes will follow soon. Started doing a little eBay too. I'm selling some books and ceramic animals I got from my mother. Well guess I'll go do some stuff.

Friday, March 16, 2007


Went to Foxwoods yesterday as planned. We bankrolled Brett, for his birthday, so he could play holdem and not worry about losing his own money. Got there around 11:30 and he played for the next 4 hours! He ended up losing $100 but, at one point early on, was up $500. What to do? stay or keep on playing. Are you there to make money or for the experience of playing? With gambling, just like investing, you need to have "rules". When to do what. I "donated" $40 to the tribe myself but I was clear that I was not going beyond that. I spent a lot of time reading and observing. Interestingly the place was packed. I could say that it was all retired people but not so. Seems to me that many people have work schedules that now allow for such adventures during the workday. I think this is a good thing but sure different for someone like me who was essentially 7-3 for 35 years. On a cultural note there were lots of asian folks there. It was noticeable because they all seemed to be in one room. There were a lot of asian dealers too. Gambling is not for me, I'm afraid to lose money so I'll never slide that next bill into the machine that could result in the big win. I'm pretty much done once I've lost $100. Like most people I write that off to the cost of the entertainment. I also believe that I've already been extremely lucky in the things in life that count. Snow is falling now and a mess is on the way, yuck.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

False Spring

Yesterday and today were real nice but coming to an end so sort of a "false spring" (The Shootist, John Wayne). Went for a run yesterday and did yardwork, today some housework and errands. A couple of weeks ago I had a blood test for anemia. Heard nothing about the results so decided yesterday to go check things out. All was fine but it did get me to thinking that if I hadn't gone in it might have been quite some time until I got the results. I like to think that if anything had been wrong they would have called me but I think that's not the best approach to use anymore. From now on I'm going to be more proactive with medical tests, procedures etc. Have a closing date on Jan's mom's house so maybe some big bucks in the next two weeks. Heading for Foxwoods tomorrow, hoping that Brett can score big at the holdem tournament. Dropped out of the shooting match this Sunday, just not ready for the big league yet. Sent my gun in today for some adjustments, so no shooting for the next few days. We were at a bar the other night talking with some friends. One of them said he thought public servants were paid to much. He knew we were teachers and he said it nicely but how does he know what to much is? His opinion, I know, but is it not a pretty ignorant thing to say? He owns a small store and I guess I could have said something about high prices but I didn't. Usually it's because I'm caught off guard and really don't know what to say, I hate that! Temps are going to drop so it's on to the trolley car with the Duke and off to celebrate his birthday. See ya

Monday, March 12, 2007

The Beach

Went down to our other home in RI this weekend. We say we are going "to the beach" but it would take a record-breaking tsunami to get us on the beach. It is in a beach community though and it's easier than saying the town's two part name. Basically went out to eat and spent money. The weather was nice for the season. Walks on the beach were the order of the day. Saw our neighbor in back and he informed me that his wife had died! A bit of a shock to us. You know, you talk to them one day and they are dead the next. The individual was just four years older than we are, disturbing. Looks like yard work is on tap for the upcoming days. Waiting on an electric chainsaw. Always had a gas one but not much left in the way of giant redwoods on either property so a smaller lighter saw should do well. Leaning towards not going to the shooting competition this Sunday. Don't feel I'm ready yet and I still don't know if I need to have four clips for the gun. I don't want to buy additional ones ($80). I'm in the, "let's not spend a fortune just yet" on this gun hobby. Eventuall will put Fort Knox to shame but not just yet. Will seek more information tomorrow. The problem is that the people you ask don't run the event so you can't get the same answer twice. Truck should be ready tomorrow, just in time for the yard work stuff. Don't have anything good to read these days so a visit to Amazon is in order. See ya